General Information

Visit Oslo – The Official Travel Guide for Oslo.
The link below take you to the homepage visit Oslo, where you can download (pdf) a travel guide. The Oslo Guide is available in five languages: Norwegian, English, German, Spanish and guide for Oslo.

The Official Travel Guide for Oslo

Transportation in Oslo
There is good public transportation by trams and buses, and it is the least expensive form of transportation besides walking. The link below takes you to the homepage of Ruter (in English), where you can find routes in Oslo.

You can also use a taxi, but it is expensive. Tipping is not needed. Below is the phone number to Taxi services in Oslo
Oslo Taxi: 02323
Norges Taxi 08000

Thursday the 26th – Ascension Day
Thursday the 26th is a national holiday in Norway, meaning most stores will be closed; However, restaurants will be open.

Weather Information
The link below, directs you to the weather forecast in Oslo by the two most used providers in Norway, STORM and Yr. – Weather in Oslo

Gala Dinner Information
The Gala Dinner will be on S/S Helena, a classical schooner. It will first be a cruise with sightsing in the Oslo fjord, followed by a buffet called the Taste of Norway.

Refreshments will be sereved throughout the cruise

It is recommended to bring a warm coat or jacket since it can be pretty windy when at sea.